Friday, December 19, 2008

Vacation Day 2: a couch potato looking forward to the Christmas Eve

We're home in my mom's place and I have a 24/7 access to the Internet. But why don't I feel so excited about using it? I just check my mails every now and then, log on to my blogger account to see if any blogs I'm following has anything new, if none, I scroll to the older posts. It's the reader-not-a-writer in me, I guess.

Anyway, this is my second day of vacation, and I haven't done anything productive nor interesting. I've been sleeping the whole day, eating as soon as I wake up. I'm having a slight headache, and I'm thinking "have I overslept already?" *lol*

But of course, looking forward to the Christmas Eve, Mama and I have been planning for the menu.  We're only five in the house, and we're not really expecting any guests, not until the Christmas day that is, so we are just thinking of preparing something we will all love: fettucini carbonara, macaroni salad, chicken lollipops.  That's what we have in mind right now.  But I'm still thinking of something else that I would love to feast on during the Christmas Day.  Suggestions, anyone?  :)


Angeli said...


Anonymous said...

That menu sounds fab! Don't worry about not being production during the holidays... it's the holidays! :) Get some rest, be lazy while you can afford it. Happy holidays! Have a good one :)

jacqueline said...

hi angeli! sound good for merienda. :)

hi sinta! yes, it's not everyday that i can get rest as much as i want. :) my holidays will just be for resting and lots of eating. :)